What to expect in our Sunday Service
Our service starts at 9:30am and 4:00pm on Sunday. If you happen to find yourself coming earlier you’ll find the prayer team praying and worshipping God before the session starts. You’ll be greeted by our friendly volunteer ushers and be given our weekly newsletter which will inform you of upcoming speakers and details about our church. We believe that worship is the best way to prepare your heart for Jesus, you’ll find our worshippers singing and leading the congregation before the start of the sermon. Learning about God and Jesus is primary to our church. Our Pastor or guest speakers will share the word and will guide you through the bible reading and understanding of it. Our session ends at 11:30am and 5:30pm, we would love you to stick around and get to know our church and its people.

Bethany Sydney
Forum untuk saling berbagi, bekerja sama dan bertumbuh.
Sunday Service
Service 1 : 9:30am (Indonesian) – Level 5
Service 2: 10:00am (English) – Level 4
Service 3: 4:00pm (Indonesian) – Level 5
Location: Citymark Building, Level 4 & 5, 683-689 George Street, Haymarket NSW 2000
Contact: 0412 684 943